Why I Don’t Watch The News. 

Hey everyone! Some of you who have seen my other blogs before probably remember my post: Why I Don’t Read Magazine’s. This blog is kind of like that one but different. The news is often full of sad stories and events. It reminds me how often awful events happen and that danger can happen anywhere. While it is true bad things happen all the time, I don’t watch the news because it’s so much sadness to sink in. It makes me wonder if news channels ever have positive news to share. And maybe they have and I just haven’t seen it. But if there is something on the news that strikes my interest I’d most likely look it up online. But that’s just my two cents on this anyways. 

Why I Don’t Read Magazine’s Blog: https://justmytwocents95.wordpress.com/2016/12/23/why-i-dont-buy-magazines/?preview=true